torsdag, april 06, 2006

o göteborg, så mycket att svara för!

ledigaveckan har varit god! faktiskt gjort en massa grejer... Sökt in till höstens kurser, fikat med ett otal mäniskor, betalat fakturor (varför alla dessa fakturor nu helt plötsligt?), gjort liiiite musik med Jens, instalerat Recycle (tack Jens) och kärat ner mig i det helt totalt! etcetcetc.... snart bär det av till Lund! jesus vad det ska bli trevligt! på fredagen så har jag inget riktigt att göra så kom gärna med förslag!

You're too tall, much too tall for a boyfriend
They run and hide, from your buck teeth and split ends
Don't be scared, like the books you've read
You're the heroine
You'll be doing fine

nästa vecka blir det jobb, koll på lägenhet och påskfirande...

Noel o Liam är för jävla roliga!

"Do you ever look at the sky and think, I'm glad I'm alive? After I heard System of a Down, I thought, I'm actually alive to hear the shittiest band of all time. Which is quite something when you think about it. Of all the bands that have gone before and all the bands that'll be in the future, I was around when the worst was around."
Noel Gallagher on System Of A Down

"I'm well up for (Space Travel). Only if I cold get back, though, I wouldn't want to get lost in space. Fancy just nippng in and nipping out, just check it out. I'd do their f***in' heads in, them aliens, man. Freak 'em right out. They'd be like (alien voice), "Farking hell! Let's get back to Planet Knob!" I'd do their heads in, me, frighten the life out of them! That's why they haven't landed yet. They're going (now cockney aliens), "F*** that, cant land while he's about!" I'd take em' all out and get them f***ing slaughtered, I would make em' turn green!"
- Liam on Aliens and space travel

do the shin-a-ling!