2 november 2007, 10:14
The City of Brighton and Hove, England
Sen ska han ha en koftaav Waldorfstickad ullVänster eller folkpartistbara man inte faller kullI skolkande timme slår det mig, när jag istället för att traggla pronomena ögnar igenom GP:s
hemsida, hur dåligt det verkar gå för vår borgeliga regering, och jag kan inte låta bli att glädjas en smula över klavertramp efter klavertramp. Lite sorgligt är bara att de lyckats sabba ett helt lands grundvalar på en fjärdedels mandatperiod. Med denna hälsniong säger jag adjöken!
I förra veckan var jag som sagt i Paris, där jag träffade gamla och nya bekanta och svängde förbi en, i alla fall för Johan och Jens, klassisk sangria bar. Tyvärr han vi aldrig höra våra låtar på Jokboxen, men vad gör väl det. Efter min tämligen franska upplevelse tror jag att mina lungor har börjat rosta, men vad gör väl det. I Brighton&Hove har livet sin stilla gång, har inte riktigt kunnat aklimatisera mig till vardagen, men vad gör väl det.
Däremot har jag skrivit en ypperlig 'summary', vilken jag härmed bifogar:
Give Mersey a Chance
- the city, the beat, the man that changed the world
The Second World War's post-war economic boom made it possible for the working-class youth in Britain to create their own culture. Underprivileged youngsters of the suburbs had for the first time the possibilities to consume, and created therefore a new demand of literature, films, and above all music that they could relate to. Many started music groups by themselves, using whatever they could get hold on; and a new sound, the 'Skiffle' style, were developed. The do-it-yourself scene emerged from blues, folk songs, and music hall melodies and became an alternative to the American Rock'n'Roll.
Liverpool – and its port situated the mouth of River Mersey – became, during the late Fifties and early Sixties, the most important source of cultural exchange and musical inspiration i Britain. From the American Rhythm and Blues evolved a new kind of music. Four young Liverpudlians, known as 'The Beatles', managed to summon its essential qualities to songs that broke all the records. With a little help from a friend, called the 'Mersey Beat', The Beatles started to set the tone for pop music everywhere.
After The Beatles' split-up the now former member John Lennon, who already was famous for his radical outspokenness, made several political statements using his music as a weapon. The anti-war messages and his public opposing against sexism and racism made him, during the Seventies, an object of loathing among many conservatives. He had himself mentioned potential threats for his actions, nevertheless his assassination in 1980 shocked the world. Lennon had always adhered to his roots of the working-class society in Liverpool and did not only put the city's Mersey Beat on the map. He was one of the main characters behind the musical revolution, which changed the views of an entire civilization.
(Paul, Ronald. The Mersey Beat)
Med denna hälsning säger jag adjöken!
//Frankie boy
P.s. Som många kanske redan insett har jag en fallenhet för statestik och allmän penisavund och har därför skaffat oss en
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